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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

BHS Choir Competing at State on 4/23

The Bigfork High School Choir will be competing in State competition on April 23, 2009 at Virginia High School. Luke Votava will also be performing a solo....when he performed at Greenway to qualify for State, he made the judges cry. He and the choir will be performing tonight at the National Honor Society induction so if you have a free night, please come out to the Edge Center at 7:00 pm. Both Jared and Shelby are in choir together, along with Megan Powell and Annalise Klamm, who were of course on the State Tournament basketball team together! (Got to put that in there you know...) I will get a few fun shots of them tonight and put some up tomorrow.

Shelby was worried she wouldn't be able to compete in the state competition as we head to the cities on the 23rd for the MN Coaches Association all star game that night. We will leave after she gets back from the State choir competition! Two State appearances in one year...who would've thunk it?

Also found out last night that Jared Anselmo will be having a piano recital on Sunday, May 17th at the Edge Center. I'm not sure what time but will post it when I find out. He is a very talented pianist and musician who has studied piano since he was a little boy. He and Shelby have been very close since 4th grade and I've always wished they would perform together one day. They've talked about it for about 5 years but have never actually got around to doing is a picture of the two I took when we were taking a few senior pictures for Jared.

Jared will also be Shelby's prom date this year, as they promised each other 3 years ago they would go to their senior prom together. They will be a striking couple...

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