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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Site to Purchase JAG Action Shots

As many of you know, I take a ton of action shots during the girls and boys' basketball games. You will see me all over the place with my camera in hand trying to get good action shots. I don't necessarily try and focus on any certain individuals (well sometimes I have to focus on my kid), but try to get good, close-up action shots of any athlete that is playing on the floor! Of course I am partial to Bigfork athletes, but there have been times when I have gotten a really good shot of an opposing team's athlete and no one to show it too!

I decided that this year I will post action shots from EVERY one of the girls and boys' games that I attend this year, including away games AND including the C-squad teams from Bigfork. I am usually at many of the tournaments of the younger kids and will post those also.

If you are interested in purchasing action shots from your athlete's games, then please visit the following site and look for the appropriate folder....there will be a main Girls Basketball folder with sub-folders of each game and the same with the boys, Boys Basketball with sub-folders from the games that I attend.

The site is:

Please pass along the site to your family and friends that don't live close enough to attend the games...hopefully they will enjoy seeing photos of your child in action!

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